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In recent years, the problem of drug resistance genes, as caused by antibiotic abuse, has become more and more serious, thus giving rise to the existence of super strong drug-resistant bacteria. In order to resolve this situation, we designed a biosensor to quickly identify drug resistance genes, and named this project " briDge aN erA : FF ".

Biochip " FF " features two specific conductive electrodes on it. In addition, we render two characteristics of DNA on this biochip: complementary and electric conduction. By using the complementary characteristics of DNA, two different capture probes are designed from drug resistance genes, and then, respectively, connected onto two electrodes. The characteristics of DNA conduction are used as connected bridges, and, through simply measuring the electric signal changes, we can not only detect longer segment DNA sequences even more quickly, but also detect multiple genes in parallel to increase the accuracy of drug administration and to slow down the rate of drug resistance.
